Killam Predoctoral Scholarship Master’s – Dalhousie University, Canada – up to $50,000

Killam Predoctoral Scholarship Master’s – Dalhousie University, Canada – up to $50,000

Overview of Killam Scholarships (Effective May 2023)

Application Deadline: Not specified

Scholarship Type: Entrance

Degree Level: Thesis-based master’s, PhD, and Postdoctoral

Available to: Canadian and international students

Killam Scholarships and Fellowships are among the most prestigious post-graduate awards conferred by Dalhousie University. These awards aim to remove financial barriers for exceptional Killam scholars, enabling them to dedicate themselves entirely to their research endeavors. In response to feedback from our graduate community, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) is pleased to announce an increase in the value of Killam awards, effective May 1, 2023. These adjustments apply to both new and current award recipients at the master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral levels.

Killam Masters-Level Awards: The annual award value increases from $25,000 to $42,000, with an additional $2,500 per term for international tuition fees if applicable.

Killam Doctoral-Level Awards: The annual award value increases from $30,000 to $42,000.

Killam Post-Doctoral Awards: The annual award value increases from $45,000 to $50,000.

Please note that the award value may become partially or entirely honorary, depending on the receipt of other FGS-managed awards. For more information, visit the FGS webpages dedicated to each award.

It’s important to be aware that this significant increase in award value may affect funding from other sources starting in May 2023. Current Killam Scholars and Fellows are encouraged to consult with their supervisor and department regarding the impact of this change on other funding they may be receiving.

If you have any inquiries or require further information, please contact Niki Power, Scholarships Liaison Officer, at

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Scholarship Description

Dalhousie University awards Killam Predoctoral Scholarships through a competitive selection process to outstanding graduate students pursuing thesis-based programs at both the master’s and doctoral levels. These programs encompass various disciplines, including sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences. Candidates are chosen through the Harmonized Scholarship Process, taking into consideration departmental support and the results of a university-level review.

Master’s students can hold a Level 1 Killam Scholarship for up to 24 months, not exceeding the end of their second year of the program.

If you receive other FGS-Managed awards (Tri-agency doctoral, NSGS, Scotia Scholar, MSSU, etc.), they will be subject to FGS funding stacking rules, potentially designating the Killam or other awards as honorary for some or all of the award duration.

The $42,000 per year (or $14,000 per term) award value includes all forms of FGS-managed support, such as Tri-Agency awards and provincial scholarships. Funding from non-FGS managed sources like departmental awards, faculty research grants, and departmental allocations will not impact the value of Killam funding.

Relocation Allowance

New Killam scholars relocating to Nova Scotia to commence their graduate program will receive assistance with travel costs. Reimbursement will cover expenses up to the lowest available airfare cost via the most direct route. To claim reimbursement, submit a travel expense claim form with original receipts and boarding passes (if applicable) no later than the end of your first term at Dalhousie. Please note that reimbursement does not extend to transportation costs for family members or personal effects.

Non-Paid Interruption of Award

Award recipients can request non-paid interruptions of up to 12 months for approved leave of absence from their funded graduate program. Interruption for the purpose of accepting another award or pursuing studies other than the funded program is not allowed.

Paid Parental Leave

Starting from May 1, 2021, pre-doctoral Killam scholars (Master’s and Doctoral) are eligible to apply for paid parental leave benefits. These benefits are intended to support students without access to other paid parental leave through tri-agency research or scholarship funding.

A Killam Pre-doctoral scholarship may be interrupted for up to 12 months for parental leave. The benefit includes a stipend of up to $1250 per month for a maximum of 12 months, with reductions for funding received from other sources.

Parental leave interruptions must be taken within six months following the birth or adoption of a child. Award holders can request parental leave for each occurrence of birth or adoption, with no extension for multiple births or adoptions.

The award holder must be the primary caregiver for the duration of the leave. If both parents hold Killam funding, they must share the paid leave for a cumulative maximum of 12 months. Approval of paid parental leave depends on the availability of Killam funds.

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Eligibility Criteria

These awards are open to both Canadian and international students. To be eligible for scholarship support for at least two years, only master’s students who have not yet commenced their program may apply. Applicants must also apply for funding from relevant provincial, national, and/or international agencies, such as NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, NSHRF, etc.

Application Overview

Applications are processed through the Harmonized Scholarship Process. If you are offered an award, you must accept it in the earliest possible term.



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