Sixth Human Rights Youth Challenge
On the occasion of World Toilet Day (19 November 2023), the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, Mr. Pedro Arrojo Agudo, is organizing the “6th Human Rights Challenge”, with The Permanent Mission of Spain, International Rivers, ONGAWA, Minority Groups International and UN Water
Youth aged between 18 – 24 were invited to produce and submit a video (v-log) or any other digital content on: “water as tools for peace and cooperation”.
UN SDG Online Course on Climate Policy and Public Finance
The deadline for submission is: 15 February 2024.
Purpose of the mandate
The mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation was established to:
- focus on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation;
- carry out thematic research;
- undertake country missions;
- collect good practices; and
- work with development practitioners on the implementation of the rights to water and sanitation.
Learn more about water and sanitation as a human rights issue
About the mandate
The mandate was formalized in Human Rights Council resolution 7/22 in 2008, and most recently renewed in Human Rights Council resolution 51/19.